A Bright, Vibrant Blue Diamond
A Bright, Vibrant Blue Diamond
John Æonid, Reflections in a Personal Web Site
John Æonid, Reflections in a Personal Web Site

Deprecated: this is the home page that I built when I started.  I retain it as a live archive.

Feb. 17, 2017: If it's not liberating, we're doing it wrong. John Æonid
And yet, if we're not doing it right, we are not yet united. (Apr.2, 2017)
Circa 2012: I once aspired to grow into a crusty old curmudgeon—until I realized that aspiration is inherently optimistic. John Æonid

Welcome to my Ponderings

Oct. 20, 2016 — Initial Launch Commentary:

I'm just getting started here.  My pen name is John Aeonid, and there are some thoughts I'd like to share.  Hopefully, it will be meaningful and constructive.  I've been a deep thinker all my life, I've accumulated a few decades of insight that, frankly, friends have been pushing me to share.  I'll do what I can to provide some meaningful insights, but I'm not yet sure how it's going to turn out.  Still, I hope you find it useful and enriching. 

The topics I cover here will span both Science and Spirituality, but I want people to understand that I keep a clear boundary between the two.  Exactly how I do that I'll explain further on, but for now please understand that I have a high respect for what Science has shown and a deep love for the enrichment of Spirituality, and I find that I don't have much problem getting them to coexist—even if that means having to keep clear boundaries between the two realms.


Here are a few of the topics and articles that I'll be covering:

  1. Boundaries Between Science and Spirituality
  2. The Alternative Possibility
  3. Cause and Effect
  4. Learning from Anybody
  5. Skepticism
  6. A Recent Conversation
  7. A Grey Bagua
  8. Tyranny of Fear and Layers of Dysfunction
  9. Self Determination
  10. Friendliness


The impetus to start this site was a request from my friend, Paula, in which she wanted to be able to quote a couple of comments I had made by way of texting.  It was one of those conversations in which we were discussing the kinds of things that limit us and allow us to feel trapped.  She asked if these comments were mine or somebody else's.  That is, she wanted to quote them and wanted to be able to properly attribute them in their source.  That was just two days ago, and so I gave her a pen name that I had been considering.  And, thus, this web site was born.  Here are the two quotes: 

We all have a responsibility to end our own fears, such that we create a nurturing peace that expands into the World. John Æonid
As long as there is anything that we fear or fret over, there is yet another level of spiritual expansion that we have yet to achieve. John Æonid

That's it for now.  I'll have more coming as I find the time for it.  Until then, 

Peace, Blessings, Insight, and Clarity


Nov. 8, 2019 Shadow
I've replaced the home page, though the old is retained, and I'm going deeper into shining light on the shadow, taking more risks..

May 14, 2017 Listing
I'm now generating a chronological list of postings here (in addition to the sitemap).

Jan. 14, 2017 WOT
I now participate in WOT.

Oct. 20, 2016 New Website!
This is truly in its infancy.  There is much that I want to share, yet it's just beginning.

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