These are my notes on things that I am planning to address. I've placed as a sub-page of my "Contact" page to make available the topics and ideas that are still being constructed and considered. If your comment is about these things, then please feel free to reference these notes in any comment you wish to offer.
This is where I write notes about things that I plan to work on.
“Notice that the degrees of freedom of space, gravitational waves, have not been discovered yet. They [are] just necessary for [the] internal consistency of the theory. So, think about consciousness. We think about it, usually, as something which is absolutely required for description of matter. But, could it be that consciousness, just like space time, may have its own degrees of freedom—and can exist without matter? And, could it be that consciousness, later, will be, well, elevated to the level of super consciousness, which will include matter as its part. I don't know the answer, but as any questions of this nature, this is the one which, when asked, it should be studied.”
— Andrei Linde – Why Explore Cosmos and Consciousness? 10:08
“A person who has taken time off from a task and begins to daydream is often in a theta brainwave state. A person who is driving on a freeway, and discovers that they can't recall the last five miles, is often in a theta state—induced by the process of freeway driving. The repetitious nature of that form of driving compared to a country road would differentiate a theta state and a beta state in order to perform the driving task safely.”
— Ned Herrmann – What is the function of the various brainwaves?
“Previously, we17 have shown that simulated driving in the absence of vehicle motion feedback imposes a relatively more perceptually-demanding task than driving with such feedback, as evidenced by event-related theta activity (an indicator of cognitive demand18).”
— Lin, Chuang, Kerick, Mullen, Jung, Ko, Chen, King, and McDowel– Mind-Wandering Tends to Occur under Low Perceptual Demands during Driving
2018-12-22, Update: Retracted original text, which was just meant as a thought experiment. To summarize the question: what would it mean if, rather than our Universe expanding with distant things moving away from us, we were receding from distant things? That would kind of mean that there was some kind shrinking involved, which would not be a practical way to look at thing. Yes, position in the Universe is relative, and we have no way to identify a center of the Universe; which was what brought this question to mind. But, what would shrinking mean to Planck's constant? Would we have a way to detect this? And, there are other problems. Again, it's just meant as a thought experiment or puzzle to ponder. I don't know if I'll bother to write much more on the topic.
2020-09-15, Update, EEK!!! This nutty so-called thought experiment was mentioned on Big Bang Theory episode by Sheldon when he was high on... coffee.
I'm a fan of spoonerisms and create them intentionally. Lately, I've been noting ones for which I can include both the spoonerism with its compliment in a single sentence, particularly if there's a humorous relationship.